Tanker and Shipping

The Captain United LTD is a company offering an integrated range of consultancy services to the marine and offshore industries. With years of experience, we are one of the company’s independent marine and offshore consultants. The Tanker and Shipping Services Group provide a specialized, professional and truly independent range of services.


The Tanker & Shipping Services Section provides a specialized and truly independent range of services including, tanker pre-vetting and risk analysis of crude, product, gas and chemical vessels. The group also carries out casualty investigation and marine project development work together with project supervision. We also undertake Port and Terminal audits, management evaluation, operator training, pre-purchase, condition and on/off hire surveys.  We can also offer a wide range of associated tanker and shipping services.

Our team of Master Mariners, Chief Engineers and Naval Architects has years of tanker operating and design experience behind them. These individuals are all selected and trained by Captain United LTD to undertake inspection work to the highest standards. All our pre-vetting inspectors are thoroughly familiar & acquainted with OCIMF VPQ, VIQ, SIRE & TMSA procedure.

In addition, many of our marine advisor & consultant have considerable Superintendent and Management experience.


Our Engineers & Master Mariners to date carried out more than 10s vessel inspections for major clients including oil companies, ship-owners, operators, charterers & insurance company.

Vessel Inspections

We carry out our pre-vetting inspections using the OCIMF/SIRE Vessel Inspection Questionnaire (VIQ) and VPQ, or we can tailor made the inspection format to meet our client’s special needs or requirements.  We can also provide, if required, an executive summary, score card and recommendations.

Vessel Inspections

  • Tanker Pre-Vetting and Risk Analysis
  • Casualty Investigation
  • Port and Terminal Audits
  • Terminal Operator Training
  • Marine Project Management
  • Pre-Purchase Survey
  • On/Off Hire Surveys
  • Condition Surveys
  • Expert Witness
  • FSO/ FPSO Operations
  • ISPS Consultancy
  • Cargo & Ballast tanks surveys
  • Coating surveys

Tow Masters

  • General towages
  • Towing Vessel Approvability Scheme
  • Pipeline bundle towages
  • Tug selection
  • Towage equipment selection

Marine Representation

The Captain United LTD team has a number of skilled and experienced Master Mariners and Marine Engineers who frequently act as client representatives for a wide range of field operations.

Tanker Vetting

In response to client needs Captain United LTD has recently expanded its marine operations to include an active Pre-Ship Vetting Inspection Program.

Currently focused on tankers, this program is consistent with standard industry guidelines and is tailored to meet client specific requirements.

Initiatives include the ability to have a customer-integrated database via the internet. Consequently, Captain United LTD is able to provide a unique, dedicated and quality-controlled service for ship’s owners, chatterers and terminal operators.

As well as conducting pre-ship inspection program, the Captain United LTD operation team can also offer a wide variety of shipping services including:

  • On hire/Off hire inspections
  • Pre-purchase inspections
  • Conversion Assessment of tanker/vessel modifications for specialized work
  • Audit and training voyages
  • Voyage analysis and verification
  • Casualty Investigation
  • Dry dock supervision
  • Port Captaincy
  • Marine Superintendents
  • General condition surveys
  • Ship/Cargo Damage surveys
  • Paint inspection surveys
  • Preparation of vessel for flag state & port state control inspection
  • Pre-vetting inspection
  • Office internal assessment
  • Preliminary or “trial” audit at client premises in preparation for external audit.

Marine Management and Co-ordination Services

Captain United LTD with help of its partners have established a successful track record in the provision of marine specialist services for marine & offshore operations including transportations and general marine logistics.

The capability is based upon the provision of experienced personnel who can, if necessary, take full responsibility for the conduct of operations whilst at the same time providing the required specialist assurance services.

This capability can be produced equally to those clients who wish to totally outsource their marine management requirements or those who require specialist support. Typical services include the provision of:

  • Marine Procedures
  • Vessel Surveys
  • Tow master
  • Marine Representatives
  • DP Auditors and specialists
  • Marine Risk Studies
  • Accident and Incident Investigations
  • Transport Manuals
  • Naval Architectural Support
  • Project Support & Supervision

Risk Assessment

Risk assessment is one of the major tools being applied in the development of improved business management.

Via use of its expertise and high-quality services, Captain United LTD has proven that risk assessment can be successfully and effectively employed within marine, offshore, oil, gas, chemical & petrochemical operations, with great implications in the long run for saving costs as well as lives. The success of risk assessment is based upon the use of well-developed techniques, but to be truly effective it requires the employment of analysts with extensive knowledge of the business systems being examined.

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